Each of the eleven MAESP Regional Networks may nominate a MAESP member principal in his or her second or third year as an elementary or middle level principal.

Criteria established by MAESP require the individual to be a practicing principal in their second or third year as a principal. The principal must demonstrate evidence of outstanding contributions to the community and the education profession. The principal must:

Be a member of MAESP at the time of  nomination and plan to maintain membership in MAESP during his time as a principal,

Have been a building principal more than one year and not more than three years,

Be clearly committed to building excellence in the school community,

Be developing programs designed to meet the needs of all students; and

Be developing firm ties to parents and the community.

These Exemplary New principals are recognized each year at the annual MAESP Leadership Conference.

Congratulations to the 2025 Exemplary New Principals!

Missouri Association of Elementary School Principals
3550 Amazonas Drive
Jefferson City, MO  65109

Phone: 573-638-2460
Fax:  573-556-6270

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